MILLENIUM.JPG (3300 bytes) ARROW_WITH_WORLD.GIF (117 bytes) Installing Utilities:
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To Install any of the Utilities:
Simply click on the the button from the main menu that says Utilities and click on the name of the Utility you would like to install.


Microsoft Kernel32 Update for Windows 95
is an update which fixes a memory leak that occurs if you run any Internet software that opens and closes Windows API Sockets.

Microsoft Kernel32 Update for Windows 95Without this update, running a Windows Sockets application over a long period of time, especially one which opens and closes a large number of sockets, will result in a significant resource drain. This can cause the Windows swapfile to grow very large, overall deterioration of performance, and over time, possible system instability. This update allows users to better run such applications for long periods of time without loss of system performance and stability, and without requiring users to reboot their computers periodically to free system resources.

Minimum requirements: Windows 95/NT.

File size: 290 kB        File date: April 11, 1996
     Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Kernel Power Toys for Windows 95
is a set of utilities that improve different aspects of Windows 95.

Microsoft Kernel Power Toys for Windows 95Includes a keyboard remapping utility, a utility to disable the Windows 95 logo key when you are running games, a CPU process watcher which helps determine which programs are using how much of your CPU, a wizard for configuring your MS-DOS mode (so you don't have to play around with CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT anymore), a time zone editor that's great for laptop users and a conventional memory tracker.


Minimum requirements: Windows 95/NT.

Type of software: Free

File size: 56 kB        File date: July 4, 1996

     Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft PowerToys Set
is a set of 15 very useful utilities that improve Windows 95.

Microsoft PowerToys SetDesktop Menu opens items on your desktop from a convenient menu on the taskbar.

CabView treats .CAB files like folders, letting you look inside, then drag files in and out with ease.

CD AutoPlay Extender makes autoplay work on any non-audio CD so that you get speedy access to the programs you want to use.

Contents Menu lets you get to your files without even opening their folders.

Desktop Menu lets you open items on your desktop from a convenient menu on the Taskbar.

Explore From Here lets you right click to open the Windows Explorer, rooted anywhere you want.

Find X lets you customize your Find menu with drag-and-drop.

FlexiCD provides quick, convenient audio CD control from the Taskbar.

HTML Printer Driver allows you to save and print HTML documents from many applications.

QuickRes lets you change the screen's resolution and bit depth right from the taskbar without rebooting.

Send To X lets you use Send To with any target folder.

Round Clock is round analog clock.

Shortcut Target Menu shows you the properties for a shortcut's target just by right-clicking the shortcut.

Tweak UI lets you change menu speed, mouse sensitivity, window animation and sound, document templates, shortcut appearance, desktop icons, and much more.

XMouse makes the window with the focus follow your mouse without clicking, just like X Windows.

DOS Prompt Here lets you start an MS-DOS prompt in the folder of your choice with the click of a button.

Telephony Location Selector allows mobile computer users to change their dialing location with ease from a handy icon on the taskbar.

Many of the PowerTools also work with Windows NT.

"This should have been shipped with Windows 95. These tools are great. Let us see more like this Microsoft." - - Stefan


Minimum requirements: Windows 95/NT.

File size: 204 kB        File date: November 17, 1996

     Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft RegClean
fixes any errors you may have in your Windows 95 Registry.

Microsoft RegCleanThe Registry is the central database for Windows 95. Note: RegClean will not function if you have installed Internet Explorer 4.0.

"It's too bad that it's necessary to use RegClean, but thank goodness it's available and free. It stopped my machine from crashing due to a bad registry entry. This is an essential administrator tool. If you're not using an uninstaller utility to record your installations for complete removal, then this very basic utility can be a lifesaver. You run it, it cleans the registry of invalid information that it finds (left over from uninstalls, deletion of directories containing registered applications, etc.), and it creates a file that can be used to restore what it cleaned up should you need to." - - Cliff M.

"This little utility is terrific! I don't know how I managed without it." - - Judy

"The program encounters dificulty if you install IE4.0" - - Ken M.


Version: 4.1

Minimum requirements: Windows 95/NT, VB40032.Dll, and You must have OLEAUT32.DLL installed on your system, which comes with Microsoft Office, MS Internet Explorer, and other products. Note: RegClean will not function if you have installed Internet Explorer 4.0..

File size: 382 kB        File date: March 13, 1997

     Microsoft Corporation

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